Get On Board (Literally) For Ducktober and Help Fundraise for WOW


Join us for Ducktober as we immerse for a month, helping us change more lives…

And no, we won’t be talking sales targets, growth figures and KPIs, this is a board meeting of the best kind! During October we’re ditching the wetsuits and taking to the ocean in our suits to raise funds for Waves of Wellness’ surf therapy programs.

October is Mental Health Month and what better way to raise awareness than by donning your best (or worst) business suit and diving into the ocean. In 2019 we did this on the first and last day of October and it was an absolute ball (or should we say, absolute ball gown for the ladies). This year we are going all out, suiting up on the first and last days of October at Manly Beach, and we’d love for you to join us!

Swap Your Speedo for a Tuxedo

Here, the only sales trajectory will be the sails through your hair as you drop into a wave. KPIs will be measured in how you manage to perform a bottom turn in a three piece suit. And growth figures… well, let’s just say it’s going to be cold surfing without wetsuits, so let’s not talk about growth… 

Like everything we do at WOW, this event is all in the name of fun but with some serious undertones. Mental health is still something we struggle to talk about, and with the impact that COVID-19 has had on us all in different degrees - it’s more important than ever to bring this to the forefront. We know that a conversation can change a life, but sometimes we need a prod to get talking… what better ice-breaker than wearing a suit in the ocean?



We have ALSO set the challenge to surf EVERY DAY for the month of October and we’re challenging YOU to do the same, wherever you are in the world. This is the premise behind Ducktober. For one month we will make like a duck and immerse ourselves in water. As we like to say, jump into the big blue to beat the blues.


The ocean has incredible healing powers which can trigger a state of calm and contentment-  by starting your day in the water we can almost guarantee you’ll feel amazing. You don’t have to surf, you can swim, bodyboard, even a one-minute cold shower will do the trick. As long as you make the commitment to go every day. This can be the basis of a fundraising campaign - set the challenge to get in the water every day and get your friends to sponsor you.


What The Duck?

Why ducks, we hear you ask? Well, apart from the obvious, ducks love water, ducks paddle together in packs (they are social animals just like us), we also like to think of ducks as a metaphor for our mental health.

Think about this....

Above the surface, a duck is chilled, smiling, gliding along smoothly. But below the surface, he's kicking like hell. 

To us, this is symbolic of someone who is dealing with mental health challenges. On the surface they might appear fine but underneath they are struggling and no one can see it.

During Ducktober, as we get into the water, we will aim to bring our struggles above the water to help normalise them. No hiding. Be like a duck out of water!


We guarantee you’ll take to it like a DUCK to water and that you’ll feel ALIVE by the end of the month. Plus it’s all for a good cause.

Trust Us, It’s Not As Easy As It Sounds

“Last year WOW Chairman Adam Barringer and myself set the challenge to surf everyday during October. Even though I love being in the ocean and surf most days, it wasn’t always easy,” says Waves of Wellness CEO Joel Pilgrim.

“There were days when it was a struggle to maintain the commitment, but we did it! It was a wonderful reminder that if we share a common goal with the people around us, they can support and encourage us to keep going, even when we just want to stay in bed.”

Together We Can Do This

This year is especially important, as we know, 2020 has been the year of cancelled plans. So by making this commitment we are pushing ourselves to get out there, get outdoors and enjoy the ocean, one of the few things that hasn’t been taken away from us. Our best laid plans for the year may have gone out the window, but the ocean has been our one constant. 

So please join us, suit up in the surf and get on board (literally) on the 1st of October to kick off Ducktober. You can organise your own board meeting anywhere in the world (let us know by using the hashtag #wowducktober) and please register your interest via our Facebook page so we can help you each step of the way.

Just like Susan from Accounts, we’ll be here to make you quacking accountable during Ducktober!



The Mental Health Benefits of Surfing


The Mental Strength and Preparation Behind Big Wave Surfing