Is The Wellness Industry Making You Unwell?

Is The Wellness Industry Making You Unwell?.jpg

By Alex Harmon

Exercise, meditate, sleep 8 hours a night, eat whole foods, eat plant-based foods, go out less, be more social, eat meat, don’t eat meat, drink two litres of water, be present, don’t be too present that you over commit, be in the moment, don’t be too in the moment that you do something spontaneous and reckless and then you’re forced to hit the reset button and start again. Exhausted yet?  Why is it that being ‘well’ is starting to feel like a marathon... when it should feel like a walk in the park?


Well and Good

Wellness by its very nature is meant to make us feel, well…. well. Wellness is a state of being that aims to maximise our own human potential. But for some of us, that potential is pointed dangerously high. As we scroll through social media, there seems to be a new wellness trend every day. These messages increase the pressure we place on ourselves, and it festers away at us like out-of-date nutritional yeast powder.

For some, the wellness pendulum has swung so far that we are now slaves to our health. We’re trapped in a toxic relationship with the very part of our lives that is supposed to be low-tox. 

Sponsored Wellness 

Some experts are saying that in 2020 we have reached ‘peak wellness’ and that most of it is garbage. You only have to look at the sponsored posts on Instagram - you know that supplement endorsement you see? Spoiler alert: you’re only supplementing this influencers’ income.

“There are so many mixed messages in the wellness space, it becomes a minefield,” says Nicole Currie, mental health Occupational Therapist and Group Facilitator of Waves of Wellness (WOW) Sunshine Coast programs.

“Unfortunately, we live in a society that promotes distorted body image, false beliefs about what healthy constitutes and incorrect information about health and wellness,” she adds. 


Back to Basics

When both our mind and body are healthy, we feel good. Wellness is as simple as that. It’s not about buying protein supplements and lotions and juices. It’s about committing to things that make us feel good, every day, as an individual and as a community.

“Quick fixes won’t give people long lasting contentment,” says Nicole. “They are short term, superficial, and do not have a sustained effect on our wellness.”


Here Are Some Basic Wellness Practices:

●      Doing something physical

●      Connecting with others, letting them know how you’re feeling

●      Finding a hobby that makes us present and engaged

●      Not overdoing it - remembering to switch off and recharge

●      Taking part in lighthearted activities with like-minded people



WOW is all about taking small steps to boost your physical and mental health. We call it the ripple effect - just one drop in the ocean can have long lasting effects on your wellbeing.

The program is physical, it’s social, it’s about connection and discovering a new hobby. And while you might be pushed onto some waves, you won’t be pushed to your limits.


“At WOW we aim to bring out what really matters in people, we focus on what is underneath the superficial things that don’t really make us feel good. We promote being uniquely you and supporting others to do the same, by sharing vulnerability and developing rich connections with each other,” explains Nicole. 


Listen To Your Mother (Nature)

Surfing is one of the few sports where you can't overdo it. The sun will eventually go down, the tide will change, the wind will whip up, the conditions will tell you to get out.

The ocean is the ultimate self-regulator. She will tell you to stop if you don’t. Unlike social media which is designed to keep you hooked, bombarded and scrolling for days.

So if you’re looking for true wellness…. the best thing you can do is switch off (and this includes your device from time to time too).


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