What is Awe and Why is it so Powerful?
Image: Making Waves Media
Words: Lily Jacobsen
Have you ever wondered what that rush of bliss was when you were at that beach or having a laugh with friends? Chances are it was awe. Researchers have been studying this unique response that drives a person to feel optimistic. It enhances your overall mental well-being as well as your physical health. Why does this feeling matter so much?
Awe, according to researchers, is the feeling of seeing something different for the first time that alters how you feel. It can produce feelings of amazement and fear of experiences you didn't know were possible. This sensation can help you see the bigger picture of life and what it has to offer.
When surfing you feel that euphoria created from a natural rush of serotonin and endorphins that boost feelings of happiness. This is what creates the sensation of awe. Just you, focusing on the waves while losing track of time. Each wave you catch reminds you of what is happening right there, where nothing can touch you.
What creates that breathless feeling of awe is your adrenaline pumping. This is your brain trying to navigate if the ocean you're about to paddle over is safe. Your mind is ultimately in control. If you ride awe out like a wave you can feel all of its benefits.
Some benefits include…
Mood Improvement
With the help of negative ions which are released from the chemicals that give us happiness such as endorphins, your stress levels are lowered, and your mood becomes elevated. These negative ions are fuelled by environments that they can be found in, such as the ocean. The ocean is naturally calming while surfing provides that physical boost of bliss. The very air you breathe aids these ions to provide the sensation of awe.
From these chemicals being released including adrenaline from exercise, you boost your physical health. This has been shown to counteract feelings of distress associated with anxiety and depression.
New Outlooks on Life
Researchers have discovered that those moments of awe allow individuals to put things into perspective. This sensation makes you look at the bigger picture of life, especially when focusing on what else is going on around you. This sensation can make you more compassionate and curious, especially about Earth. You may want to start donating more or volunteering. Awe changes how you view the meaning of life and what brings you happiness.
Building New Connections
When people are connected, particularly when being involved with something they love, awe manifests. Awe drives you to also feel connected with all of humanity. By growing your social circle, you may feel a deeper fulfilment in your personal life.
Image: Making Waves Media
Mental Stimulation
While surfing your brain waves are stimulated which gives you energy and the ability to focus. This also produces calming effects from increased breathing and exercise. For example, Beta Waves are associated with an increase in awareness and focus. Another wave that can be released during surfing is Gamma waves which are associated with quick thinking and improved learning. These functions all help with riding a wave. The ability to stay energised and concentrated helps your mind create the phenomena of awe.
Health Benefits
While awe also helps your mental wellbeing, your physical health will also receive benefits. Awe reduces your stress levels by lowering your levels of Interleukin which in high levels can cause heart disease. Interleukin is a protein that marks how much inflammation your body is facing. This comes from Health-Proinflammatory Cytokines which have been shown by researchers that Interleukin inflammation levels are lowered by boosts of happiness.
Next time you are on your board floating on top of the waves, think about what those breathless moments are doing for you. Take a dive and let the benefits of awe wash over you!