The WOW Factor: Participant Kelsie Shares Her Story
Kelsie, 29, attended a WOW Women’s Program at Bondi Beach, Sydney in 2021.
“I was surprised by the therapeutic benefits of the program – I’ve seen a therapist and other more ‘tried and tested’ methods, but WOW really resonated with me. Knowing that surfing Wednesday was ahead of me would get me through the week, and I’d feel good for a few days afterwards off the back of it!”
There were 10 women in Kelsie’s group, ranging in age from 22 to 55 years old, and each came from different backgrounds and mental health journeys. Kelsie had experienced feelings of anxiety and depression throughout life, but fell into a deep period of depression after leaving a highly-stressful work position in 2020.
“Having been in a stressful job where I worked long hours and was relied upon by many people, I had not stopped for long enough to assess how I had been feeling. This really hit me for six once I stopped.”
She first heard about WOW through a friend when they went for a surf together and tentatively registered for the Women’s Program. Initially, she didn’t consider herself an appropriate candidate, thinking someone else would be worse off and more ‘deserving’ of a spot.
“I was surprised at how hard it was to say yes. But now I look back, things were dire, and I did feel bad. I can recognise that others are in tough spots, but it was really tough to accept that I was there too. I had criticisms of myself: ‘this is not who I am. If I’m experiencing depression, I must not be grown up’.”
From the first session, the group formed a tight and supportive bond, which Kelsie positively contributed to with her bubbly and kind personality. She was able to share her experience of depression and the search for meaning after moving on from a job which had previously consumed her. Kelsie’s open sharing of her mental health experiences helped to normalise vulnerable emotional expression and contributed to the judgement-free, safe space in the group each week.
“I really like and respect the group of women. Hearing about their mental health struggles… (and) facilitators sharing their own mental health struggles made me realise that I’m not less grown up, capable or respectable because I struggle with my mental health. I am not ‘less than’ anyone else.”
Kelsie noted that getting herself to the beach sessions each week was one of the most challenging aspects of the program, especially on days where low moods and lack of motivation made it hard to get out of bed. However, being able to say she attended every session, Kelsie now recognises this as one of her most rewarding achievements!
“I didn’t miss a week – I showed up for myself and held myself accountable, and saw others do the same. I just had to get my ass there! Then I knew I was going to have a nice time and a safe space to share.”
Kelsie, third from right, with participants from the Bondi program
Following the Women’s Program, Kelsie continues to stay in touch and surf with the other women from the group. She loves the playfulness and fun of surfing and the positive mindset it promotes.
“I still experience shitty days sometimes, but a big thing that’s stuck with me is that surfing makes you look ahead – meeting up with other participants, booking surf trips and reading the surf report for the following day. There is optimism and hope in looking forward like this.”
She also continues to apply these lessons from the WOW program to her mental health.
“I let [low feelings] come and try not to make it about where I’m at and that this is going to become a ‘dark chapter’, but more just go with it. Don’t make the struggles about your identity. Take it one day at a time and ask myself – what can I do today to feel good?”
Interviewed by Rob O’Hara, Sydney Facilitator.
We’re all about bringing the WOW factor to mental health, so keep an eye out for these magic case studies in the future as we dive deep into what makes people tick, and the essence of their experience with WOW. If you'd like to share your story, drop us a line!